Products for thinning hair

Our hair is an important part of our overall appearance and hence loss of hair can be distressing. These days, however, it is not just a case of living with the condition or getting a wig. There are a vast number of different treatments and products available to help stop hair loss and to help promote new growth. These treatments vary from expensive courses in a specialist hair clinic, which may include low-level laser therapy, hair cloning, and hair transplantation, to somewhat less expensive products that can be taken orally or applied to the hair. Success with these products can vary enormously and many do not have much in the way of scientific evidence to back them up. However many people do seem to benefit from them, although invariably visible results do take time. Finding the right product may be a case of trial and error unless you take advice from an experienced dermatologist or trichologist.

Probably overall, the most successful treatment for baldness has been with DHT blocking drugs such as Propecia (finasteride). It appears that male and female pattern baldness is due to the effect of DHT (dihydrtestosterone) on genetically predisposed hair follicles.DHT tends to shrink the follicles causing thinner weaker hairs to grow, and eventually slowing and halting hair growth altogether. Propecia, the leading hair loss medication, works by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase (the enzyme that produces DHT), and hence tends to reverse hair loss considerably. Propecia may cause some loss of libido in men and cannot be used by women. Other DHT blockers include Adovart (dudasteride) and naturally sourced substances such as Saw Palmetto and Pygeum. One such product is marketed as Revivogen.

Another very widely used product to promote hair growth is minoxidil (Rogaine or Regaine) This works best for men who have a generalised thinning of hair on the top of the head but still have some hair left. It works better on younger men, but at best takes several months before results are seen. It is now also available for women. It is applied as a lotion, usually twice a day, and treatment may have to be maintained.

Tretinoin or Retin-A is a product that was originally sold to treat acne and other skin conditions, but it has since been shown to be useful, particularly in combination with minoxidil, in helping hair regrowth in cases of Androgenetic Alopecia (male pattern baldness) and Alopecia Areata. Its mode of action helps cell proliferation and vascularisation (increasing blood supply).

In addition to low-level laser treatments offered by clinics there is available a laser “comb” which can be used at home in the manner of a normal comb. It delivers energy to the scalp which helps increase blood flow and may help encourage new hair growth.

An array of other products are available without prescription to help combat hair loss, but how effective they are is difficult to say as they have not all undergone proper clinical evaluation. These include shampoos, conditioners, lotions and stimulants.

The shampoos are made with natural cleansing agents which are gentle on the hair, and it is claimed, will not strip the hair of too much natural oil as can be the case with low grade natural detergents. While these may help improve the condition of existing hair it is doubtful whether they would have any effect on new hair growth. Similarly, hair conditioners can be massaged into the hair and are claimed to be absorbed into the shaft and help improve strength and elasticity. Lotions also, may help to hydrate the scalp and soothe it if there are problems of itchiness or soreness.

Actual hair stimulating products contain multivitamins, phytoestrogens to inhibit 5-alpha reductase, and amino acids, amongst other ingredients. Some are based more around biotin and different phyto-active agents to act in synergy.

Choosing a product or treatment for your hair loss can be bewildering because of the wide choice available, and will depend to a large extent on what the cause of the hair loss is. It is best to seek advice from qualified professionals before spending out on lotions or stimulants with exotic ingredients but unsubstantiated claims.
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