How to Prevent Baldness

Many believe that baldness is hereditary, and certainly in part this is true. However, just because your father or grandfather were bald it doesn’t follow that you will inevitably also suffer. The inheritance of baldness seems to be inconsistent and can skip a generation. Even with an inherited predisposition towards baldness there is a lot that can be done in terms of maintaining one’s general health that will help keep hair in good shape and prevent baldness.

Many, if not most men have an inner dread of going bald since a good head of hair is associated with youth and vitality, and loss of one’s hair, especially early loss, can cause considerable distress, depression, and even low self-esteem.

Severe hair loss seems to affect men more commonly than women and this is related to its hormonal cause. The symptoms for men are typically thinning on the crown, a receding hairline, and eventually a horseshoe shaped pattern that leaves the crown of the head exposed.

Extreme hair loss can result from stress, either prolonged, or acute following a traumatic event, major surgery or chemotherapy. Certain disorders such as diabetes or auto-immune diseases can also cause hair loss. By far the most common type however, is the hormone induced one referred to as male-pattern baldness. This is caused by increasing levels of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which adversely affect the hair follicles slowing hair growth. Hair that is produced is thinner and weaker than it should be and doesn’t stand up so well to the environment. Gradual loss of hair without adequate replacement leads to progressive baldness.

In order to prevent this some would recommend a supplement of Saw Palmetto which has a blocking action on the production of DHT and helps to keep levels down. An important general consideration though, is to maintain your general health and the health of your hair will also be maximised. In order to achieve this you should strive for a healthy lifestyle with proper, well balanced nutrition, plenty of exercise and plenty of sleep.

It is essential that your hair gets all the nutrients that it needs in order to grow properly, so you should eat plenty of protein which is necessary to produce keratin, the protein of which hair is composed. Also your hair follicles need vitamins and minerals so a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is important. You might even consider some supplements as our diet is not always as rich in micro-nutrients as it once was. The most important ones to consider are vitamin B2, Niacin, Biotin, Vitamin C, Folic acid, magnesium, sulphur, silica, zinc, and beta-carotene (for Vitamin A).

Incorporating a good deal of daily exercise into your life is good for your general health and can only have beneficial effects on your hair. It helps to improve blood circulation, which is important for distribution of nutrients, and may also have a restraining effect on DHT production.

You should keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of water during the day. An adequate fluid intake is necessary for the health of skin tissue, wherever it occurs on the body, including the scalp.

Finally, you should take reasonable care of your hair to avoid damage and premature loss. Excessive use of hair dyes, curling tongs and hairdryers may cause damage over time, especially closely applied intense heat.

Preventing baldness as far as you can is common sense really. It involves maintaining hair health and strength and not abusing it. For those who still suffer there is the consolation that modern western society views bald men as just as attractive in there own way, as men with hair on their head.

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