Hair Regrowth the Natural Way

Many people prefer natural substances to manufactured drugs, synthetic shampoos, and chemically constructed household and health products. Some argue the opposite, saying that natural remedies are not as strong or as effective as manufactured drugs. This may or may not be true as there just hasn’t really been sufficient properly conducted research. There is however a considerable body of evidence to support the use of many naturally derived products which seem to have been used over many generations for natural hair regrowth with good results. Aspirin derived from the bark of a tree willow is just one example.

Whatever may be the cause of your hair loss, in order to regrow it, you need to provide the hair follicles with optimum conditions. It seems that, although our hair is psychologically very important to us because it can profoundly affect our appearance, to our body it does not have the same importance. Our body has more important priorities like breathing, absorbing food, eliminating waste, protecting itself from infection, and so forth. If the body has a limited budget in terms of energy and nutrients, it may well redirect reserves to functions more immediately important than hair growth.

In order to encourage hair growth then, we need to maximise our general state of health so that the growth of our hair is not compromised. This means we should eat a well-balanced diet containing plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals, as these are essential to the body’s manufacturing processes.

It may be a good idea to supplement our diet with some micro-nutrients. Important ones are:

* Biotin –this is thought to be one of the most important factors in hair health. It improves hair strength and flexibility.

* B vitamins –Almost all the B vitamins help improve hair health, especially B3(niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 and B12. These vitamins play a vital role in the production of amino acids which are the key components of protein, and hair is made of protein.

* Vitamin C –Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin and boosts the immune system.

We should exercise and keep our body fit to help boost metabolism, and also to generally help improve blood circulation. We should also get plenty of sleep ass this is essential to normal body function and repair. A lot of growth and repair takes place while the body sleeps.

There is a more specific natural substance you can employ if you are male and your hair loss is due to male-pattern baldness as this is caused mainly by an overload of a male sex hormone, specifically dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This can be present in both men and women but its effect is more obvious in men where it adversely affects the function of hair follicles. The follicles shrink and produce hair that is thinner and weaker than it should be. Eventually some hair follicles cease to function at all, and, hairs that drop out naturally in time, are not replaced, leading to areas of scalp without hair. Some natural products can help block the production or the action of DHT and hence help to counteract the loss of hair and better enable new hair to grow. One of the main substances to be used in this way is extract of Saw Palmetto. This is derived from the berries of a plant and is rich in fatty acids and phytosterols, and seems able to block the conversion of testosterone to DHT by 5-alpha reductase by inhibiting this enzyme. Another DHT blocker is Pygeum, and this is often used in conjunction with Saw Palmetto to achieve a synergistic effect.

Regrowth of lost hair can often take place, especially if conditions are favorable. If hair loss is spotted early and advice is sought from an experienced dermatologist, then a good deal may be recouped.
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