The causes and solutions to hair loss in women

Baldness in men is more sociably acceptable than ever before, due probably to the macho appearance of some screen stars and the fact that everyone knows that men are likely to lose their hair but it doesn’t make them any less of a man. For women the situation is somewhat different. An attractive head of hair is part of what makes a woman feminine, and the many different ways a woman can wear her hair gives her rein for self expression and the ability to change her look. Most women do not like to think that they look the same, day in and day out. Unfortunately, in most people’s minds, a woman without hair has connotations of a prison inmate or a chemotherapy sufferer. Hair loss in women is then extremely distressing, whatever the cause.

Hair can be lost gradually through Androgenetic alopecia, a condition with a hereditary component, commonly known as male pattern baldness, and which can affect women as well as men. The first line of treatment in these cases is usually an anti-androgen drug, or application to the scalp of chemical treatments to stimulate hair growth.

Another type of hair loss that can occur in women is Alopecia areata which is thought to be an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly treats its hair follicles as foreign tissue and tends to suppress or stop hair growth. This condition tends to cause one or more circular or irregular areas of baldness. This condition also is often treated by means of hair growth stimulants although quite often the hair, or at least some of it, will regrow spontaneously in time.

A severe emotional shock or trauma can also lead to hair loss in women. If there is an excessive stress on the body it can tend to divert nutrients away from the hair which then falls out a few months later, causing baldness as new hair takes longer to grow.

Regardless of the cause of the hair loss in women, an effective measure is to use hair extensions and mesh to cover and disguise the bald areas. This procedure, when carried out by skilled hands, and with good blending of colors can give a natural and pleasing appearance.

Furthermore this approach allows the natural hair to grow underneath the mesh which only needs adjustment every few months, and thus the woman has the best of both worlds – an effective hair appearance until hopefully her own hair is restored. As natural hair grows back it can be integrated into the system. This approach effectively restores self confidence and self esteem. Another condition where a person will pull out there own hair due to psychological issues, can also be treated this way, as, the mesh acts as an effective barrier, helping to prevent further hair being pulled out.

Hair loss in women is not generally recognized as a problem but does occur more often than one might think. Fortunately there are very successful methods available to successfully overcome most of the difficulties.
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