How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Don’t we all love to have a full head of shiny hair? It makes us feel good if we look good, and, having attractive hair is part of that. Many people unfortunately, suffer loss of hair, from one cause or another, and are therefore keen to do whatever they can to stop further loss and to promote new hair growth. Often hair loss is an inherited trait and there is then a need to resort to drug therapy to try to correct the condition, or cosmetic means to cover up. For many though the problem is less severe and more general in nature, and they simply want to make the best of their hair and to encourage it to grow well.

It is worth realising that the hair on our head is dead as far as our body is concerned. Once formed and pushed out of the follicle a hair enters its resting phase before finally being shed. During this time its condition may be improved somewhat by the use of lotions or conditioners that help smooth the hair cuticle, making it less likely to tangle, but it is questionable whether any of the nourishing agents that are included in shampoos and conditioners really make much difference. Some ingredients may get absorbed into the hair shaft to some extent and improve elasticity somewhat, but the hair is no longer growing, nor active, and cannot really make much use of nutrients at this stage. It is during the growing phase, that can stretch over two or three years, that nourishment is important. The better nourished the hair as it grows the healthier and stronger it will finally be. This nourishment needs to be provided from within, nutrients reaching the hair follicles via the blood stream.

The first consideration in stimulating hair growth is to check that your diet is adequately varied and healthy. It is important to eat plenty of protein from meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, and pulses, plus sufficient vitamins and minerals. The B group vitamins are especially important for hair growth, and in particular Biotin. Other necessary micro-nutrients are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, and silica. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables is necessary to supply all these nutrient factors. If your diet may be lacking, it is worth considering taking supplements.

If you are suffering from the most common kind of hair loss – that due to male pattern baldness, then the underlying cause is genetic. Giving your hair the best chance for it to grow by proper nourishment is all the more important. In addition to this however, you may want to use specific treatments to halt hair loss and encourage new hair to grow. The most widely used treatment is finasteride that is taken daily in tablet form. It helps considerably by blocking the formation of the damaging hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This hormone is a natural by-product from testosterone, and as it accumulates it interferes with the production of hair by the hair follicles. Follicles shrink and less and less hair is produced. By blocking this action finasteride can help provide better conditions for hair re-growth.

An alternative approach to treatment (or even sometimes an adjunct), is the use of a medication called minoxidil which is applied directly to the scalp as a lotion or a foam. This is usually applied once or twice a day and left on for a while. It seems to help promote new hair growth by improving blood circulation in the scalp.

Both of the above treatments will take some months for results to be seen as hair grows only slowly. It is possible though to stimulate natural hair growth, primarily by providing adequate nutrition and by taking reasonable care.

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